Programmer / indie games developer from the UK.

Eddy Larkin @Paranoia

Age 34, Male


Joined on 4/22/05

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D: This makes me kinda not want to use AS3.. is it really worth it? I also miss Macromedia :(

Awesome game. I'd suggest making the pause button unpause with 'p' also, instead of making the player have to click to get back into a two handed game. Also, fighting hugo, if you die and restart while a dynamite is in the air, it doesn't get removed and you can get hit, I'm not sure if this is because of the mentioned problem, but I didn't see any other glitches besides that. But yes, great work.

I don't really miss Macromedia that much.
On my computer, it updates everything (or at least flash player and the Internet browser) by itself.

I kinda like AS3. They have it in the Graphics room at school.
I guess that's because the only other version of flash I've used is a Free Trial of FlashMX

Shut da fuck up, Adobe makes Flash.

I've not upgraded to CS3 and I'm doin just dandy right now.

Macromedia rocked !
Also cocks, again!

I-Smel - Macromedia basically made Flash, from Flash 1 to Flash 8. Adobe fails.

the logos for CS3 products also suck. Adobe just fails at everything overall. \:

and this is why i decided to be an artist

although flash really hasn't done anything for artists since 8

i'm just waiting for them to realize fireworks and flash should be bundled as a single piece of software

just code in actionscript 2, you can replace the OOP class stuff with interactions between script in layered movieclips, something like that anyway, I have no experience with OOP, just some AS2 and Pascal

But AS3 is undoubtedly the better language. It worked dandy for projects without a number of classes above the threshold, and ran smoothly when I was testing it. It's just that Adobe have done an atrocious job of resolving bugs and spreading the player.

You're not the only one who hates Adobe (I think their Photoshop program sucks major ass). Why couldn't they leave Macromedia alone?

Rammer- Adobe now makes Flash.
Considering they invented Photoshop, I'm pretty sure they don't fail.

You should take the next train out of frowntown :).

I don't use Adobe or Macromedia. I use Sothink SWF Quicker. It's okay, gets the job done, but it lacks features.

uhhh... actually you might be overreacting a little bit about the flash player updates, after all as3 is relatively new, therefor it'll have bugs and such...

on the other hand, about the too-many-classes bug, that is outrageous. I mean, if that really is what's causing the bug, it's probably the most annoying and stupid bug in the history of stupid bugs, and it gives you more than the right, the DUTY to make angry rants like this everywhere possible.

also, around how many classes it takes to get that bug?

It's hard to count, since it included exported library items, and it may not be as straight-forward as a number.

chickens indeed good sir!

Yeah dude, you don't want to become constantly angry like me. You know. It's a new VM compared to Flash 8 so sure it'll have bullshit.

What can I say, Neko needs browser plugins. Har har. nekovm.org

Man if I had the patience I would have wrote this myself around about the first week of release of CS3.

I have it installed but I don't use it, I stick with Flash 8.

Thats not to say it's flawless. But hell it isn't as flawed as CS3.

I miss Macromedia but looking at it from a business point of view they don't miss us, they have a lot of money now! :D

When Adobe took over flash a lot of people thought it would be for the best. I myself immediately thought, crap!

Adobe just make things confusing and completly rework stuff that doesn't need to be reworked. The tools layout was something I noticed first I didn't like how they grouped some tools together and made it almost impossible to switch inside the group.

ActionScript was the second thing I was disappointed with, AS2 didn't need to be completly rewriten!? I mean come on! I have been working with Flash since MX (6) I was happy with that I was happy with AS1 and AS2 but AS3? WHAT A FECKING BETRAYAL! Those who have worked with flash for a long time and have gotten used to AS2 don't want to re-learn everything from the base upward, they spent long enough learning AS2!

For F-CS3 all Adobe needed was a graphical overhaul and some new AS stuff. Fix any bugs and new more powerful ActionScript features but keep the Syntax the same! I think what Adobe ought to do from here on in is work on lowering CPU/RAM/PageFile usage whilst boosting general performance. I for one would like to see new filters, more porfessional ones, abit like Photoshop's or maybe even a Photoshop/Flash effect merge plugin for the SDK. Call it Phlash or something I don't know.

But anyway my comment is getting abit long and tedious. Also it isn't really related to your main Classes and OOP problem. More of a bitching rant xD.

Anyway right on! Down with Adobe!Give us Macromedia!

(Here is what I think they should have done when buying Macromedia. Just buy the company or a very large share in the company but let them do their thing?)

Whew, I'm glad I still have good ol' AS2 then. I wish Adobe would give security and bugfix updates to the software itself, and not just the Flash player.

Adobe, greedy little buggers messin things up to get money.
Do more testing you over-paid slackers!
By the way, nice game :).

Good job on Mad Vlad II: Revamped.

Ok, sorry to bother you but I have gone insane. Where is the crystal in the library in Mad Vlad, i have all 14 others and I can't find that one despite having searched the library from top to bottom.

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